Covid Quarantine, Day 56: It’s Day 56?!

Covid Quarantine, Day 56: It’s Day 56?!

It’s been 22 days since my last quarantine update, but it doesn’t feel that way. At this point, the days just come and go, and are starting to blend together.

So now that it’s established I’m in the “time is a social construct” camp, what have I been up to?

Ignoring (Some) Social Media

This applies to Twitter and LinkedIn, apps which I’ve deleted off my phone and now only access on my desktop.

Why these two?

Well, Twitter has been too much for me lately, with too much misinformation trending and rage-inducing content. I noticed that I would get curious about the trends, only to find out that most of them were on meaningless topics that were a waste of time.

Meanwhile, LinkedIn continues to annoy me. I’m so over the self-proclaimed experts and obnoxious influencers doling out bad advice, or claiming to have all the answers to get through quarantine. News flash: these are not normal times. Most of the world hasn’t experienced a pandemic of this scale. Y’all know nothing.

Thank goodness for Twitter accounts like @BestofLinkedIn and @CrapOnLinkedIn to remind me that I’m not the only one rolling my eyes while on this platform.

Feeling Like A Crazy Person

My state began their Phase 1 re-opening this past Friday.

Personally, I am not ready to go out like before. My family decided to keep doing what we’re doing, which is shelter in place and leave (at most) twice a week to visit the grocery store, pharmacy, or Wal-Mart for essentials.

Luckily, the majority of places I’ve been to have employees and patrons who follow the rules. I estimate that I see at least 80% of people wear masks, and that most follow social distancing.

So why do I feel like a crazy person?

As I only go to these essential businesses 1-2 times per month, I’m usually wearing my reusable N99 mask + disposable gloves, AND my cart is filled to the brim. I’ve noticed other customers giving me the side-eye, assuming I’m a hoarder or one of those doomsday preppers. But whatever – I sleep well knowing that I actually eat or use everything that I buy, and that I have a better chance of breathing easy than being on a respirator.

An aside: I found it interesting that at my local Asian grocery store, 100% of the employees and customers wore masks. Not all the customers were Asian either; they were a healthy mix of black, white, and Hispanic. This particular store doesn’t require patrons wear masks, either. (And yes, there are a few stores here that require masks to enter.) The same can’t be said for the chain grocers I’ve been to + Wal-Mart.

Mother’s Day: A Day Like Any Other

This year, I wasn’t expecting anything grandiose considering the situation. Admittedly, I was a bit bummed that I wouldn’t receive anything handmade from Xavier since school has been cancelled for weeks. 😭

We did allow ourselves to splurge a bit, though. My gift was a Le Creuset dutch oven. I’m looking forward to my shit cooking evenly, woo hoo!

We also took a break from the kitchen by going to Chipotle for our burrito fix. Hooray for in-app ordering and contactless pickup! Of course, I didn’t hold back and added guac without worrying about the extra fee.

While Xavier woke up at the ungodly time of 6:30 AM and didn’t nap at all, he at least finished his food today and fell asleep at a decent hour.

Over And Out

So that’s where I am at the end of week 8 / beginning of week 9. If I feel cute this week, maybe I’ll share my feelings on the Alison Roman/Chrissy Teigen “feud”, or what I’ve learned about meal planning during a pandemic. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Stay safe, friends!