How I’m Reducing Screen Time

How I’m Reducing Screen Time

My mental health is a top priority, and excessive screen time remains a threat to reaching my goals. Here’s how I’m actively reducing time on my phone.

Parenting in the internet age

Parenting in the internet age

To me, the Internet is both a blessing and a curse for parenting. I hate to admit this, but Google helped me survive the newborn phase of parenting. Social media can prove to be helpful, too. I’m part of a few Facebook mommy groups and 

How to survive a 15 hour flight with a 15 month old

How to survive a 15 hour flight with a 15 month old

Flying with a toddler domestically? My thoughts and prayers go out to you. Flying with a toddler internationally? Allow me to send all of the thoughts, prayers, good vibes, and good juju to you. Peace be with you! May the Force be with you! While 

How to travel with a toddler by yourself

How to travel with a toddler by yourself

I just completed an international flight with my 14 month old BY MYSELF a few hours ago. Flying from Manila to Hong Kong in the middle of the Christmas season was a lot for me to handle. And yes, the end of November is the